Q: Why is 200ng DNA the maximum amount of DNA that can be added? 

A: This assay is an indirect ELISA, where the wells are coated with the DNA sample, and the maximum amount of DNA that the well can capture is 200 ng.  Adding more than this will not result in an increased signal because the same amount of DNA will be captured by the well.


FAQ: DNA Damage ELISA Kit (8-OHdG)

Sample preparation

Q: Do I need to extract DNA if using urine, plasma, or serum?

A: It is not necessary to extract DNA if samples are a body fluid such as urine, plasma, serum, cerebrospinal fluid, or saliva.  Samples may need to be briefly spun down if there are insoluble particles in the sample, otherwise they can be used directly without any pretreatment.  For cell and tissue samples, DNA must be extracted first.