Catalog Number: MET-5010
Measures total bilirubin in plasma, serum, or cell and tissue lysates
Detection sensitivity of 0.5mg/dL bilirubin
Bilirubin standard curve included
Catalog Number: MET-5011
Isolates lipid droplets from cells or tissues
Uses a simple gradient centrifugation protocol
No ultracentrifugation required
Catalog Number: MET-5019
Detects total phosphatidic acid content (PA and LPA) in cell lysate samples
Detection sensitivity of approximately 5 µM phosphatidic acid
Phosphatidic Acid standard curve included
Catalog Number: MET-5028
Suitable for use with cell lysates
Detection sensitivity of 4 µM DAG
DAG standard include
NOTE: Each sample replicate requires 2 assays for proper data calculation.
Catalog Number: MET-5071
Detection sensitivity limit of 15.6 µM taurine
Suitable for use with plasma, serum, urine, and cell and tissue lysates
Taurine standard included
Catalog Number: MET-5085
Simple fluorometric plate-based assay
Suitable for plasma or serum, tissue homogenates, or cell suspensions
Measures phospholipid levels as low as 200 nM
Catalog Number: MET-5095
Suitable for use with serum or plasma
Positive control included
Catalog Number: CBA-160, CBA-160-5
Study two cell types in direct contact within a 24-well plate
Proprietary molded insert creates a cell-free zone for seeding first cell type