Protein Oxidation / Nitration

Cellular proteins are subject to oxidative stress in the presence of a variety of reactive oxygen species (ROS). Depending on the ROS present, the resulting damage to the protein may take the form of nitration or oxidation of various amino acid residues. ROS may also result in the formation of advanced glycation end products (AGE) or advanced oxidation protein products (AOPP), both of which are stable markers of oxidative stress.
Our Protein Carbonyl Assays and Protein Nitration Assays provide a quick, sensitive method for detection of carbonyl residues and 3-nitrotyrosine residues, respectively. Both are stable markers of oxidative stress, and both are available in a convenient Western blot format as well as a higher-throughput ELISA.
Advanced Glycation End Products assays are available to measure either total AGE or a specific AGE species as a protein adduct. The AOPP assay provides very fast results in a standard microplate reader. Another assay for a marker of protein damage includes our BPDE-Protein Adduct ELISA Kit which provides fast and reliable detection of BPDE-protein adducts.