Software Analysis Tools for Gap Closure Assays

There are a number of software programs available for the analysis of cell migration images. One of these is CellProfiler™ Cell Image Analysis Software offered free-of-charge by the Broad Institute*.
In order to analyze data from our Gap Closure Migration Assays, the CellProfiler™ software must be customized. For your convenience, we have developed add-ons that will customize the program for you. You may obtain the add-on as follows:
- Click on "Download" next to "Manual/Data Sheet" below and download the zip file appropriate to the kit and staining method you used.
- After unzipping the files, open the downloaded Adobe PDF document and follow the instructions.
*CellProfiler™ is a trademark of the Broad Institute. There is no relationship between Cell Biolabs, Inc. and the Broad Institute. Cell Biolabs offers these downloads as a courtesy to our customers who wish to analyze data obtained using our Gap Closure Assays.