Catalog Number: STA-501, STA-501-5, STA-500, STA-500-5
Sensitivity as low as 1 pmol/mL
Suitable for use with cell and tissue lysates, urine, plasma, or culture medium
Colorimetric and chemiluminescent formats
Convenient strip-well plate format
Frequently Asked Questions about this product
Video: Color Development in an ELISA
Catalog Number: AKR-104 , AKR-103
Superior blocking compared to dry milk or serum
Enhances low level phosphoprotein signal without increasing background
Preserves phosphoprotein antigens during Western blot procedures
Easy-to-use premixed dry blend
Catalog Number: MET-5016
Detects soluble collagen in cell and tissue lysates
Detection sensitivity of approximately 15 µg/ml collagen
Collagen standard curve included