Cell Transformation

Transformation of normal cells into neoplastic cells occurs via a series of genetic and epigenetic alterations, yielding a cell population capable of proliferation independently of both internal and external signals that normally restrain their growth. Traditionally the soft agar colony formation assay has been used to monitor cell transformation and anchorage-independent growth, with manual counting of proliferated cells after 3-4 weeks of cell growth.
Cell Biolabs has improved the traditional soft agar assay to provide increased throughput and more accurate results. Assay times are reduced to about one week, and tedious manual cell counting has been eliminated. We offer soft agar colony assays in a variety of formats:
- Our CytoSelect™ 96-Well Cell Transformation Assay, Standard Soft Agar combines a soft agar medium with a fluorescent dye to eliminate manual cell counting and speed results.
- The CytoSelect™ 96-Well Cell Transformation Assay, Soft Agar with Cell Recovery advances the technology even further. This assay uses a proprietary soft agar-based medium that allows transformed cells to be recovered after culture for further downstream analysis.